And Here Comes Christmas!

As darkness lengthens in late fall, the season sparkles in observance and gestures for new hopes next to the pandemic on the spectrum of emotions. The world has encountered apocalyptic losses, this year was a really tough one for us. We felt disconnected from everything and everyone and just bombarded by a whole lot of emotions that we didn’t exactly know how to deal with and more specifically confront but we did!

After all, we have actually endured many sadness and grieve that if it didn’t make us stronger then at least we are still sane! It passed! Even if we mentally still couldn’t move on and life in its own way can suddenly go on hold, in less than a moment it can come a standstill for what could seem to be forever.

Life is short and time is an illusion, we are all on a journey that in any way or another will reach its own destination, you just have to make sure that you leave on every flight and every country you land on what will make your life worth living for.

And If you can’t afford the extra luggage of 2020, A New Year gets you on another flight, maybe it is the right time to get yourself a new luggage, carefully pack up and get ready to leave this year behind.

Merry Christmas! 😊

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